Computing At St Nicholas
What does Computing look like at St Nicholas?
Computing is extremely important for the children growing up in a world which is becoming more and more technology focussed. We aim to give the children at St Nicholas a wide range of technology experiences so that they can become confident and responsible consumers and creators. We want them to use a range of devices and gain skills in information technology, digital literacy and computer science - the three strands of computing outlined in the National Curriculum.
We have designed a Scheme of Work which supports the children to achieve all of the elements of Key Stage 1 National Curriculum by the end of Year 6. It contains a lot of creative units for the pupils, including digital photography, making music and making presentations and computer science units where children can develop their coding skills in fun and practical ways. We also have a strong focus on online safety and all Key Stage 2 children focus on different elements of online safety in the spring term. As a school, we celebrate Safer Internet Day each February.
We use Purple Mash for some of our learning, but also our teachers have planned some units to suit our children. Computing is taught as a discrete subject in Key Stage 2, but in Reception until Year 2, we expose the children to technology through playful learning experiences, aiming to develop their confidence with technology and mouse and keyboard skills. We have a range of exciting resources for Computing at St Nicholas - most classes have PCs, all classes have iPads and we have Beebots, Blue-bots, remote controlled vehicles and Lego WeDo sets. We have lots of fun computer software, and children have access to Purple Mash, Busy Things, Mathletics and Education City for cross-curricular and Computing lessons.