How can we help?
At St Nicholas, we work hard to support not only the children in school, but their families too. On this page there is information about who in school can help you, or links to other organisations or websites who can.
Who can help?

Your child's class teacher should usually be your first contact - they know your child best and can offer help with what to do at home to support learning, offer behaviour advice or information about school, or signpost you to someone who can offer more support

Juliet is our Family Support Worker and works in school to support families. Contact her on Weduc or at

Gaynor is the Assistant Head in charge of Safeguarding. She can help with referrals for Early Help or Children with Disabilities Team, safeguarding concerns or parent queries to do with EHCPs.
She is also a qualified Makaton Tutor.

Vanessa is our Assistant Head in charge of the curriculum and all the children in Key Stage 2. She is also one of our Literacy leads and can help with questions about reading and writing. She is also a Safeguarding Officer and can help with safeguarding concerns.

Sarah Holliday is our Deputy Headteacher and oversees Key Stage 1. You can contact her if you have queries about your child in Key Stage 1 which their teacher can't answer (photo coming soon!)

Our in-house Speech and Language Therapists can help with SALT questions and queries, and can help signpost you to support from your child's NHS therapist if they have one.
Please contact Beth, Zara or Katy Bourne on Weduc.

The Behaviour Team (Gillian and Elizabeth) are our behaviour specialists who have been trained to deliver the Proact-Skipr Behaviour Program. They can be contacted on about behaviour queries at home.
Parent Coffee Mornings
Our Parent Coffee Mornings are a great opportunity to seek support, meet staff and other parents and to chat in a friendly and informal atmosphere. We run Coffee Mornings regularly on a range of topics.
Information about Parent Coffee Mornings is posted on Weduc, where you can book your space at any of the coffee mornings.
Where can I get advice about...?
Click here to find the Parents of St Nicks Purley Facebook group - a group for parents of children at our school, run by parents.